The final week of our Work Immersion is somewhat fulfilling. Our hearts and minds are filled with new learnings which will be the root of our personal and professional development. We have learned a lot of things to be applied on our future career. Our obedience has been challenged from the staffs’ commands. We always put in our mimds that we need to be alert in following their instructions. We are also obliged to accomplish the given tasks as soon as possible. From that case, we promised to ourselves that we will be active enough to finish any task successfully. With our determination to attain our goals in the workplace, we managed to overcome the challenges. We also want to share that our inspiration for this week is the inspirational talk of some engineers about love and forgiveness.
We are proud to say that we are showered with a blessing of great achievement from this week. It’s not only matters about the completion of our educational requirements but also for the fulfillment of our knowledge and skills.


Anothery week – another challenge and another pages of our lives have been accomplished. 

        In the work immersion we experienced the actual situation in dealing with different patients. As usual, we are assigned into different section. And as the days pass by we are being more familiarised with the work we are assigned to. Going into field is one of the best experience. We’ve learned a lot, we become more responsible in our actions, and our skills are enhanced. 

      We never thought that we will love the place, the people, and especially our designated works. Our warmest thanks and appreciation to all of the staffs in Rural Health Unit especially to Dr. Arnold Talla. We are exceptionally blessed and fortunate for staying in them even for just a couple of days. They’ve being part of our lives especially the experiences and learnings they shared to us. 

      We will always hold you all, close to our hearts. Words are not enough to expressed our heartfelt and sincerest thank you. Tho our work immersion is done but our memories will never fade away.


March 16 2018 
Its our last day today now here at Ballesteros District Hospital and our area for today is here again in OB room. And the thing Ived done for today are the following;
1. I swep the florr morning and in the afternoon 

2. I map the bathroom

3.we surprise the bdh staffs 

Cause in the afternoon we have some  small salo- salo  in the kitchen 

4.We give plants to all the areas   in bdh
And today I feel happy because finally I completed  the 80 hours required to us as a k-12 first batch here in the philippines

▪️DAY 7

Tuesday, I and my team mates assigned at the OR department to do our duty for immersion. But, we don’t even know what we are going to do. Some of my team mates said that its better to stay at the OR. That’s why I felt a little bit excitement to do our duty at the OR. 
In our first day, we don’t have a lot of works to do. We just cleaned and covered the things to use in the operating room.
1:30 pm there’s a patient who need the Unembrogenetic for his/her recovery. Which is the doctor operated his/her.  When we saw how the doctor do it to the patient, I feel like I was the one who’s lying at the bed while the doctor do such thing to the patient. I composed my self to keep calm and be strong to make it successful.

▪️DAY 8

Wensday, we do BGC VACCINE for the new born babies and whenever they cry I pity them but they are cute `coz they are an angel. Minutes past, Ma’am Gladyz received a paper and she signed it. We ask her about the paper she signed and she answered  that there’s a patient who wants to give birth. We shocked about what she said and we feel excitement because that was our first time to witness a mother who giving birth to a new born baby. When the patient successfully give a birth to her baby we do our job to take care of the patient. As what we witnessed, she suffered a lot but she released the baby safe and normal as well.

▪️DAY 9-10

Thursday – Friday

At the Admin Department we do interview the patient and ask them if they are a member of Phil Health so that we can help them to settled the membership form. After that, we cleaned, do our job at the admin department, and relaxed ourselves when we finished our duties.



         Time flies so fast indeed, a week has been completed in our work immersion. Nothing has changed, it was all the same as the past 4 days.
         In our 5th day of work immersion, the same task and job were given to us. We had a few papers to photo copy, documents to file and some folders to organize. Nothing’s really new only the weather and how difficult the journey was to our work place.
         We are looking forward for the upcoming and our last week of immersion hoping to get new knowledge and hoping they will allow and expose us in the field.


It’s Friday-yey-day! Looking back, we’ve been staying in the RHU for almost 1 week. And so far, we’ve been doing good. As usual, there was a rotation of designated area. And we’re doing great. 

       Today, we have encountered a new mission in which we did some “contractracing” to those people  that has a tuberculosis and also we went to their own family and houses. We give them medicines, supliments, and maintenance to help quicky aide their disease.  We also explained the procedure on how they will take the medicines. It was one of the coolest experience, getting in the field is very exciting and thrilling. Helping others is one of the best feeling we have ever felt. 

     The RHU Team feels like we’re really a grown up one and we engage ourselves to our works. The job assigned to each and everyone of us is done whole-souled. 

      For us, everyday is a great day to start an adventure. We are really learning a lot here and this immersion will really mold us to become more responsible, more productive, and enhances our skills.


For today I was assigned into a new department, the laboratory. Questions came rushing in my mind. What kind of tasks I will receive no? What would I do? Is there patients that will ask me to test them? Those are the questions that entered my mind. 
Sir Mandolf is busy getting the patient’s results in U/A when I entered the room. Meanwhile, I was asked to list down the clinical microscopy (out/in).
After some time, Sir Mandolf called me to watched him. After he take a peek in the microscope containing blood, he told me to follow what he did. He taught me how to do it and what is its purpose.
March 9,2018

Its a rainy day friday .Now its our fifth day now here at Ballesteros District Hospital and our area here in BDH  for today is here in EMERGENCY ROOM .As I arrived in emergency what I saw is a bloody morning and I have seen many patient. What I do this   morning are the following;

1.We assist the doctor for giving giving aid to the patients and the one patient burned caused of the electricity according to his wife her husbund holds the service drops thats why his husbund hand becomed toasted.

2.Delivering the patient to their room

3.Finding the papers of  patient for processing their death certificate

3.Cutting papers  where in here we write  for the patients profile

4. Swepping the foor
Since its my first day here at Ballesteros Emergency Room  I think this is my disadvantage    because I have a blood  phobia since  when I was a child.



       Today, we are the women in pink of DPWH-Cagayan 2nd District Engineering Office. We joined the 2018 National Women’s Month Celebration with the theme ” We Make Change Work For Women”. Through the prepared activities of the day, we are filled with happiness and admiration.
      We enjoyed participating on a zumba dance together with the employees, full of energy as to start and end the day. We had a lot of excercise and we are being refreshed and relaxed from work. We felt like we are not different from them and we are not just being treated as Work Immersion students only. But rather, we are being united as one real family. As posted on the schedule of activities, we are part of it. We will play volleyball and parlor games for the next few days.
       We do appreciate their way of celebrating the Women’s Month. All the employees were actively participating with their so-called “girlpower”. They managed to prepare the activities dedicated to all women. Therefore, we have learned that DPWH is not only focusing on works but also practicing sports and showing talents.


      It’s Thursday and it was very tiring but lovely day! The RHU team have been doing all around task and continue in improving.

      Thursday is one of the busy day of the week for Rural Health Unit because there will be a OPD, rabies vaccination for babies and for seniors, dental services, and pre-natal check ups. It was such a great time to have job well done in our designated field. We can also notice a refinement on our skills and in performing on what task they have given to us. 

      For the dental section, It was Sariah, Neil, and Melford. They had a delightful time in doing their job and they had the privileged to talk and get to know more about Dr. Ulanimo. It was nice helping people tp achieve a great smile with their teeth. For the pharmacy section, Justine, Krizzel, Jerome, and Ian was assigned. They had some arguments and difficulties in consulting and giving medicines but they are also very happy because they will be giving medicine that will cure the sickness of the patients. For the Tubercolosis section, they had a great time assisting the patients for they know that they will be able to help aide the disease and help regain their self confidence.  And for the OPD, they had the best time because they’ve been able to know and comfort the patients.

     See? The improvement is getting higher and we are learning a lot. We are loving the place so much and wishing it won’t end that fast. “WE ARE WORKING AS A TEAM AND ALL TOGETHER WE WILL ATTAIN OUR DREAMS.”


      It was 7:10 of the morning and I was tasked to make cotton balls when we found three patients inside the ER, a child and two adults.  
     After a few minutes, patients came rushing. A child came, holding his left hand. He had a x-ray. It doesn’t take longer and the results came. While I’m peeking on the results that the doctor hold,  I felt the pain. Two bones was fractured and he must be in pain. The doctor did the procedure of curing the child when he called me to help him.
     I felt the sudden fear in my system. What if I make something wrong? But nevertheless,  I still need to conquer my emotions and focus.
March 09 ,2018
      Its our fourt day now here at Ballesteros District Hospital. 

      Our area for today is here again in the kitchen and the things we do today are the following:

1. First we swept the floor

2. We wash the kitchen  utensils as well as dishes

3. We clean the mirrors  and also the windows

4. The menu for this day is pork adobo and  dinengdeng

5. Disholut of patient meal 

6. Cooking  fried tilapia and  salad kamote tops

7. Delivering the foods to he patients for their supper

8. We empty the trash cans

        Since its our last day here at the kitchen we and the dietcians take a photo togethere😊😀 and for tomorrow we do anothere task again …



      Adjustment is one of the things we thought we would hardly get for everything is new to us but entering our third day in the door of real world, we felt and knew we were getting there— we are adjusting.
      As reminiscing the memory of today’s scenario, all the works we did and was assigned to us were all almost the same as yesterday’s but new lessons have catered with in us as we tried to observe and assess everyone including ourselves.
      First on the list is “being right on time”: most of the employees specially the on the job training students were already there before eight in the morning which is the “work time.” In our stay in each department assigned to us, all of them were on their station before eight in the morning doing paper and computer works. One thing more is, passing a document on the time given is very important for them. 
      Another is the employees are very organized, in a way that they sort things very well. They do not just “do and throw” papers but do and organized is like their mantra.
      They also share what they can give to us, the students who needs their help and teaching. They let us do works and experience new things to learn, to add knowledge it in our system and to develop our skill in that field. A mistake is very normal to first timers like us but some don’t mind as long as you do it again and perfect it. “Share your blessings” is also one of their attributes, they give us free and unexpected snacks during break time and that little thing they do is making us more greatful for them.
      Three days but so much lessons we have learned, we believe that along the way— in the remaining more days in the agency we will learn a lot from them, learnings that will make us a better ones and learnings that will sure be with us in our journey to the future.


         It’s our third day on the work field, March 07, 2018. We enjoyed every minute in our medical mission.

        This day half of the RHU team went to Nararagan Ballesteros Cagayan to give a free check up and dental services. We also assist some senior for their check ups. We also encounter some “Itas”, where some of their children has a fever and cough. In every ita’s children no one knows how to take their medicine properly so we told them how to do it step by step for their maintenance medicine.

The other half were left behind to do the paper works, assist in the vaccination of the babies, and have their duty on the pharmacy section.

       For everyone of us, everyday is a challenging day because we have a rotation routine to pursue and for us to experience the work in every section and field. Today was a very nice experience because we are starting to feel were part of the hospital and were working as ONE. Its like were being, “One team – One dream.”

      We realised that it was so good to help citizens and to serve them wholeheartedly. It was always tough and we always encounter difficulties but it is a sign that we are learning and we’re trying our very best to be productive. 

     Everyday is a new day, EVERYDAY is a chance to enhance our skills and broaden the knowledge we have to be used for the rest of our lives. And lastly, all we could say, “LAVARN RHU TEAM!”.



March 07, 2018
       Its our third day now here at Ballesteros District Hospital and in every  two (2) days we rotate to experience the other tasks. Our area for today is in the kitchen  and the things we did today are; 

1. This early in the morning the first thing we do is we swept the floor.

2. Washing the kitchen utensils then we seperate according to what they belong.

3. Watering and digging the plants.

4. Scrubbing the floor using the electric husk .

5. Slicing the recado’s and vegetables and then they will cooked it.

6. Dish preparation for foods to the patients and then we deliver it room by room.

     Our day today is  so happy beacause it just like doing the household chores in our house it just like a basic to me cause I feel that it is my advantage to go in the kitchen because I love cooking😊


       It’s been three days of our work immersion and we have to do some rotation with the other department.
     It is a mixed emotion. We feel sad, excited and nervous at the same time. Sad for we have go and transfer into another department. Excited and nervous for new things and new journey that we will about to encounter. 
      Joemel and I are assigned to two different departments. I was assigned to ER or Emergency Room while Joemel was assigned to Dietary Kitchen. I was tasked to assist patients to their rooms, get their blood pressure and body temperature and etc. While Joemel helped in cooking foods for the patients, washing dishes and in distribution of trays for the patients. 
      We thought everything will be easy but it will always be different when you’re in their shoes. You will know how hard it is. But after all the hardwork, we had learned a lot of things in span of three days.



     Another hope, another chance, for the second day of challenge. A challenge to start on a regular time of working as a trainee.
     We, the freshmen, are being filled with enthusiasm as we start the day. We have the eagerness to achieve our main goals: to learn, to discover and to explore in the field of the so-called workplace.
     DPWH is full of paper works organized by the employees with the help of ours. We were assigned to photocopy lots of documents and we delivered them as well. Then, we went to different sections/units to let some papers signed by the engineers, architects, and accountants. Afterwards, we arranged the compilation of files and and we are being taught to use the scanning machine for their plans and contracts.
     At this moment, we were able to apply our organizing skills and our ability to follow the staffs’ instructions. In addition, we have learned a lot of things and gained some experiences.
     This is how we spend the day with a little bit busyness. And we can say that our tiredness is not useless because we saw the esence of its worthiness.


March 6, 2018; 

       The second day of our immersion and it was fun and superb. We experienced the actual situation in dealing with different patients, different behaviors, young, and also old ones. We are assigned into different section. It was a stressful day because there were many patients for medical check up, for dental services, and pre-natal check up. Though it was a stressful day but still a day full of experience. 

       Some of the students went to the dental clinic section to assist the Dentist and provide what the dentist ask for the dental check up. Others were assigned to assist and interview the patients in the OPD section to get their personal information which includes their names, age,, address, height, weight, blood pressure, and temperature. Some take care about the medicines that the doctor consolts for the patients, told them on how to use and what times they need to take the medicine. In addition, we are also able to witness on how the doctor sew that open wound on an injured man. It was a great privileged to witness this activity because it takes a strong and tough guts to watch this. And as the day pass by also we will be rotating into different sections. The Doctor wants us to experience every work and make us try working into other sections. 

      As the days goes by, we are being more familiarised with the work we are assigned to. And we are being exerting more adjustments to the new enrivonment we are in now. We are getting closer to the different staffs and we are being more expressive to ourselves. 

        I know that each day is a day to IMPROVE, a day to LEARN, and a day for new IMPROVEMENT.


      Its our second day of being a work immersion student and also being part of the Ballesteros District Hospital group. It’s been another day of kindness, learning new things and sharing talents as well as knowledge. 

     The doctors and nurses were very welcoming to us that they teach us things we are very eager to learn. I, Joemel was still on my assigned area which is the Administrative Office and I, Louissa is in the kitchen.

     The first thing we did this morning is we swept the floor in the office assigned to us.

     We cut the pass slip in the AO then after we cut it, we stapled it just like an art we’re making in school. We made a letterings for the chair in the front desk to make it look more welcoming and artsy. We also arrange again the documents according to their given numbers.

    In the kitchen, it’s our duty to help the cook do the job easier and faster. We help in cooking foods for the patients as well as cleaning the dishes.

    Second day was all in all fun. Looking forward to the following days that will come.



First thing that comes in our mind when we opened our eyes in the morning was “a glimpse and a taste in the real world starts today”.
Excitement with a nerve rocking mix of emotion were the feeling that’s running through our veins; excitement in the sense that the thought of entering life outside the school is thrilling and we will sure be able to learn new things and knowledge about real life scenarios and of course nervous because this will be new to us — the environment, the people, experience and even the mistakes we might encounter along the way.
On our way to the Department Of Public Works and Highways, we have the power of confidence to take the possible challenges we might encounter no matter how hard it is. 
We met our work immersion superviser, ma’am Emely D. Orteza who lectured and oriented us about DPWH’s mission, vission and objectives, in addition to that she also mentioned the different department as well as the different heads in each department.
In the afternoon, we had a draw lots on what section should we go. I, Brenda was assigned in the Construction section with the two of our co-work immersion students while me, Nora-Jane was in the Precurement section.
We didn’t do much on the first day because we were deployed late and assigned on our sections late. We did a little work; asking for signatures, photo copying and delivering documents.
But despite of the shaky schedule on the first day, we still have nine more days to create memories and learn experience. 
DPWH Work Immersion Students Team, FIGHTING!!!!



     First thing that comes in our mind when we opened our eyes in the morning was “a glimpse and a taste in the real world starts today”.
     Excitement with a nerve rocking mix of emotion were the feeling that’s running through our veins; excitement in the sense that the thought of entering life outside the school is thrilling and we will sure be able to learn new things and knowledge about real life scenarios and of course nervous because this will be new to us — the environment, the people, experience and even the mistakes we might encounter along the way.
     On our way to the Department Of Public Works and Highways, we have the power of confidence to take the possible challenges we might encounter no matter how hard it is. 
     We met our work immersion superviser, ma’am Emely D. Orteza who lectured and oriented us about DPWH mission, vission and objectives, in addition to that she also mentioned the different department as well as the different heads in each department.
     In the afternoon, we had a draw lots on what section should we go. I, Brenda was assigned in the Construction section with the two of our co-work immersion students while me, Nora-Jane was in the Precurement section.
     We didn’t do much on the first day because we were deployed late and assigned on our sections late. We did a little work; asking for signatures, photo copying and delivering documents.
But despite of the shaky schedule on the first day, we still have nine more days to create memories and learn experience. 
     DPWH Work Immersion Students Team, FIGHTING!!!!

             RURAL HEALTH UNIT

      As we make our way to last semester of the year in senior high school,  we are required to have a work immersion in fulfilment to the 80 hours requirement in our curriculum in K to 12. And this will serve as a hosting training for preparation in the bigger world we will be entering; college.

       Today, March 5, 2018 is the beginning of our work immersion. For students majoring in biology, we are assigned in the Rural Health Unit (RHU) and will serve as our work place. It is a clinic located in Centro East, Ballesteros,  Cagayan. Its purpose is to have primary care services for patients.  In this first day, Mr. Eds Gallebo Sagun and Mrs. Mary Grace Vega assisted and deployed us in the RHU and after reaching the work place, Mrs. Lovely Collado is the first one to assist us going to the designated place we will be oriented.

       Dr. Thalia the head of Municipal Health Officer also visited us to further explain issues regarding in every section of the RHU. And also, Dr. Constante Ulanimo also gave us a short time to introduce the Dental Services and Section. 

     And lastly, the last speaker gave us the privilege to explore the TB dots or Laboratory and she also let us know our blood types. With the short remaining time she also teached us how to use her equipments with these and teach us to reach blood types whether it is AB, A, B, O (negative or postive). 

      Our first day is full of many FIRST. And this boost our eager to learn more and be very verstile to the environment we are in now. With the orientation and knowledge that they imparted us this day, we are now able to begin to assist and help in the work place. This is just the beginning and we will be experiencing a lot and after all of this, our skills will surely be enhance. “We will be more progressive and guided to the right path.”

    All we can say is, our first day of immersion was fun and a great thing that is charged to our experience.


Mon. March 05 /2018
Our assigned area in the Ballesteros District  Hospital is in the Administrative Office. It is our first day and the first person we met in BDH is maa’m Mila, she is so kind to us even if it is our first day and as we introduced ourselves one by one infont of doctors and nurses they become closer and closer to us.
All doctors and nurses in our area is not snob, they are so nice and kind that they treat us all as their co-workers. All of them in our area has a good behavior and instead of our time in for today is exact 8 in the morning  we reach the department at 8 :45… But it’s a reasonable late.
What we’ve done and accomplished for this day are the following;

1. We’ve enterviewed  our patients in the hospital then while enterviewing  we write in their bio data given.

2. We arrange the files of patients according to their given numbers

3. We are editing in the computer  for  processing the papers of the patients they  for their phil health,if there’s a new patient or old patient that  they need to go home and so on.

4. Cutting the papers into their line then after cutting we broom the floor because we’ve  volunteer ourselves to do it.
We do our work today well done.

10 Uncommonly Used Filipino Words

Here are the 10 Uncommonly Used Filipino Words with meanings and correct usage in a sentence:
1. Initsigan(Thermodynamics)- A science that deals about the action of the heat and related forms of heat.
Example Sentence: Kailangan kong mag aral para sa pagsusulit sa initsigan.
2. Miktinig(Microphone)- An instrument whereby sound wave are cause to generate or modulate an electric current usually for the purpose of transmitting or recording sound (as speech or music)
Example Sentence: Kailangan mo na ng miktinig para marinig ka ng madla.
3. Pantablay(charger)- A device for charging storage batteries.
Example Sentence: Pahiram nga muna yang pantablay mo.
4. Panginain(Browser)- A computer program that is used to find and look at information on the internet.
Example Sentence: Hindi siya gumamit ng panginain sa computer niya.
5. Pang-ulong hatinig(Earphone)- A device that holds an earphone and a microphone in place on a person’s head.
Example Sentence: Pahiram yang pang-ulong hatinig mo.
6. Sulatroniko(E-mail)- A system for sending messages from one computer to another computer.
Example Sentence: Nakatanggap ako ng sulatroniko galing sa kaibigan ko.
7. Pook-sapot(Website)- A place on the World Wide Web that contains information about a person,organization and etc.
Example Sentence: Hanapin mo yung pook-sapot ng ating proyekto.
8. Panghibayo(Amplifier)- An electronic device for increasing the amplitude of electrical signals used in sound reproduction.
Example Sentence: Nagpapakuha siya ng panghibayo.
9. Karumlan(Menstrual Period)- A monthly cycle of adolescent girl of her ovulation period.
Example Sentence: Kailan ang huling karumlan mo?
10. Haynayan(Biology)- A branch of science that deals with life.
Example Sentence: Bumagsak siya sa haynayan.