Time flies so fast indeed, a week has been completed in our work immersion. Nothing has changed, it was all the same as the past 4 days.
         In our 5th day of work immersion, the same task and job were given to us. We had a few papers to photo copy, documents to file and some folders to organize. Nothing’s really new only the weather and how difficult the journey was to our work place.
         We are looking forward for the upcoming and our last week of immersion hoping to get new knowledge and hoping they will allow and expose us in the field.


It’s Friday-yey-day! Looking back, we’ve been staying in the RHU for almost 1 week. And so far, we’ve been doing good. As usual, there was a rotation of designated area. And we’re doing great. 

       Today, we have encountered a new mission in which we did some “contractracing” to those people  that has a tuberculosis and also we went to their own family and houses. We give them medicines, supliments, and maintenance to help quicky aide their disease.  We also explained the procedure on how they will take the medicines. It was one of the coolest experience, getting in the field is very exciting and thrilling. Helping others is one of the best feeling we have ever felt. 

     The RHU Team feels like we’re really a grown up one and we engage ourselves to our works. The job assigned to each and everyone of us is done whole-souled. 

      For us, everyday is a great day to start an adventure. We are really learning a lot here and this immersion will really mold us to become more responsible, more productive, and enhances our skills.


For today I was assigned into a new department, the laboratory. Questions came rushing in my mind. What kind of tasks I will receive no? What would I do? Is there patients that will ask me to test them? Those are the questions that entered my mind. 
Sir Mandolf is busy getting the patient’s results in U/A when I entered the room. Meanwhile, I was asked to list down the clinical microscopy (out/in).
After some time, Sir Mandolf called me to watched him. After he take a peek in the microscope containing blood, he told me to follow what he did. He taught me how to do it and what is its purpose.
March 9,2018

Its a rainy day friday .Now its our fifth day now here at Ballesteros District Hospital and our area here in BDH  for today is here in EMERGENCY ROOM .As I arrived in emergency what I saw is a bloody morning and I have seen many patient. What I do this   morning are the following;

1.We assist the doctor for giving giving aid to the patients and the one patient burned caused of the electricity according to his wife her husbund holds the service drops thats why his husbund hand becomed toasted.

2.Delivering the patient to their room

3.Finding the papers of  patient for processing their death certificate

3.Cutting papers  where in here we write  for the patients profile

4. Swepping the foor
Since its my first day here at Ballesteros Emergency Room  I think this is my disadvantage    because I have a blood  phobia since  when I was a child.

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