Adjustment is one of the things we thought we would hardly get for everything is new to us but entering our third day in the door of real world, we felt and knew we were getting thereβ€” we are adjusting.
      As reminiscing the memory of today’s scenario, all the works we did and was assigned to us were all almost the same as yesterday’s but new lessons have catered with in us as we tried to observe and assess everyone including ourselves.
      First on the list is “being right on time”: most of the employees specially the on the job training students were already there before eight in the morning which is the “work time.” In our stay in each department assigned to us, all of them were on their station before eight in the morning doing paper and computer works. One thing more is, passing a document on the time given is very important for them. 
      Another is the employees are very organized, in a way that they sort things very well. They do not just “do and throw” papers but do and organized is like their mantra.
      They also share what they can give to us, the students who needs their help and teaching. They let us do works and experience new things to learn, to add knowledge it in our system and to develop our skill in that field. A mistake is very normal to first timers like us but some don’t mind as long as you do it again and perfect it. “Share your blessings” is also one of their attributes, they give us free and unexpected snacks during break time and that little thing they do is making us more greatful for them.
      Three days but so much lessons we have learned, we believe that along the wayβ€” in the remaining more days in the agency we will learn a lot from them, learnings that will make us a better ones and learnings that will sure be with us in our journey to the future.


         It’s our third day on the work field, March 07, 2018. We enjoyed every minute in our medical mission.

        This day half of the RHU team went to Nararagan Ballesteros Cagayan to give a free check up and dental services. We also assist some senior for their check ups. We also encounter some “Itas”, where some of their children has a fever and cough. In every ita’s children no one knows how to take their medicine properly so we told them how to do it step by step for their maintenance medicine.

The other half were left behind to do the paper works, assist in the vaccination of the babies, and have their duty on the pharmacy section.

       For everyone of us, everyday is a challenging day because we have a rotation routine to pursue and for us to experience the work in every section and field. Today was a very nice experience because we are starting to feel were part of the hospital and were working as ONE. Its like were being, “One team – One dream.”

      We realised that it was so good to help citizens and to serve them wholeheartedly. It was always tough and we always encounter difficulties but it is a sign that we are learning and we’re trying our very best to be productive. 

     Everyday is a new day, EVERYDAY is a chance to enhance our skills and broaden the knowledge we have to be used for the rest of our lives. And lastly, all we could say, “LAVARN RHU TEAM!”.



March 07, 2018
       Its our third day now here at Ballesteros District Hospital and in every  two (2) days we rotate to experience the other tasks. Our area for today is in the kitchen  and the things we did today are; 

1. This early in the morning the first thing we do is we swept the floor.

2. Washing the kitchen utensils then we seperate according to what they belong.

3. Watering and digging the plants.

4. Scrubbing the floor using the electric husk .

5. Slicing the recado’s and vegetables and then they will cooked it.

6. Dish preparation for foods to the patients and then we deliver it room by room.

     Our day today is  so happy beacause it just like doing the household chores in our house it just like a basic to me cause I feel that it is my advantage to go in the kitchen because I love cooking😊


       It’s been three days of our work immersion and we have to do some rotation with the other department.
     It is a mixed emotion. We feel sad, excited and nervous at the same time. Sad for we have go and transfer into another department. Excited and nervous for new things and new journey that we will about to encounter. 
      Joemel and I are assigned to two different departments. I was assigned to ER or Emergency Room while Joemel was assigned to Dietary Kitchen. I was tasked to assist patients to their rooms, get their blood pressure and body temperature and etc. While Joemel helped in cooking foods for the patients, washing dishes and in distribution of trays for the patients. 
      We thought everything will be easy but it will always be different when you’re in their shoes. You will know how hard it is. But after all the hardwork, we had learned a lot of things in span of three days.

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